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Walloon buildings « WATER » certification



Highlights about the CERTIBEAU procedure:

How to star the certification process?

Information about  « CERTIBEAU »:

Ath, Mons, Lessines, Tournais, Ellezelles, Flobacq, Soignies, Enghien…

General information about the  « CERTIBEAU »:

In the case of a new building or the installation of a new tap water meter, the delivery of the certificate follows a successful inspection of your building installation regarding two distinct matters:

> The internal water distribution network

In this context, the certifier verifies that your entire installation complies with the standards and regulations applicable in the Walloon region.

> The sewage network in your building

Whether there is a connection to the public sewer network or domestic wastewater treatment plant, the certifier checks that the sewerage system complies with the town planning permit (building permit) or the environmental permit as well as the various technical requirements.

If the installation complies, the CERTIBEAU certificate for your installation is issued and the connection to the distribution network is completed; the flow limitation placed by the utility company (SWDE, INBW) is removed.

Get ready to start the certification process:

Mandatory information: prepare your certification by collecting the following:

  • The planning permission (Permis d’urbanisme),
  • The environmental permit² (Permis d’environnement),
  • The incidence study² (L’étude d’incidence),
  • The possible exemption(s) or permission(s) granted by the municipality or the regional public services witch ate linked to tapwater or sewage²,
  • The datasheets of all installed devices or appliances (technical datasheet of faucets, taps, pumps, tanks, pool equipments…),
  • The ‘As-built’ plans of the drainage system (in principle, these are part of the DIU³),
  • If possible, the photographic report completed during the groundworks phase showing the installation of the sewerage equipments et connexions (by yourself or by the contrator’s staff).


² If applicable

³ Service and maintenance file provided for future service and maintenance operations

When can the auditor come on site ?

Once all the to be certified components are in place and the tapwater company meter is installed.

Note: The certification file can be created as soon as the construction site begins.

How much does a CERTIBEAU certificate cost ?

The pricetag varies according to the property size and/or the complexity of the certification work; In average, it settles between 250 and 500€ excl. An offer is established according to your property before the certification.

For contractors and architects, a global price for building lots ou grouped certifications can be negotiated.

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